This question gets asked a lot, so i'm going to break it down and discuss the similarities and differences between the two supplements...
For those who don't care too much for detail, the simple answer is that CBD and BCP both interact with the body in a similar way. They both have excellent anti-inflammatory, analgesic and mood regulating properties, and they can often be as effective as each other for these common uses...
(Some might argue that BCP oil is actually more effective than CBD oil because it directly interacts with the body's CB2 receptors which help to regulate mood, inflammation, the immune system and more...)
For those who care about the details, i'm going to compare the two supplements from a few different perspectives.
The Law...
I think it's important to touch on this topic because it's very important to those who are living in a country where most cannabis products are still tightly regulated (such as Australia...)
In Australia, full-fledged CBD oil is still a scheduled product, meaning it's only legal under special circumstances. You have to go through a doctor and it can be a time consuming process. According to the ABC, as many as 100,000 people in Australia are currently accessing CBD oil illegally.
BCP oil on the other hand, is completely legal everywhere in Australia (and presumably around the globe) because it's legally classified as a terpene, not as a cannabinoid (such as CBD...)
What are Cannabinoid Receptors?
Cannabinoid receptors are located in different systems of the body and their goal is to help the body reach balance (or homeostasis). For this article we are focused on the CB1 and CB2 receptors and note that they are associated with the following systems:
CB1: Brain and Nervous System
CB2: Endocrine and Immune System
The CB1 receptors are found in the nervous system, glands and organs such as the brain, connective tissues, glands, etc.
The CB2 receptors are found all over the body, and their goal is to protect you by improving immune response, reducing inflammation and regulating pain.
What is CBD and BCP?
CBD – Comes from the cannabis plant but is a different chemical constituent than THC. Many CBD oils contain trace amounts of THC, which is why they are still illegal in Australia. CBD oils contain about 5-30% of CBD and tend to vary.
BCP – Comes from over 30,000 natural plant sources. Most commonly comes from cannabis, copaiba, black pepper and cloves.
How do they interact with the body's cannabinoid receptors?
CBD oil is known to help with neurological issues, pain and more. The key factor to note is that CBD works indirectly with CB2 receptors in the body.
BCP works directly with the CB2 receptors in the body and some would argue that this improves the effectiveness. By working with this receptor, it helps your body have proper immune function, good inflammatory response and is soothing and relaxing to the tissues.
So basically, there's not much difference... Some people will say that CBD is the only way to go, and they will downplay BCP as "nothing more than an essential oil..." but that couldn't be further from the truth... Both compounds are extremely similar in the way that they function and interact with the body...
If you want to try some BCP oil for yourself, you can get some here